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Currently displaying 1 – 5 of 5

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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Sturmian jungle (or garden?) on multiliteral alphabets

L'ubomíra BalkováEdita PelantováŠtěpán Starosta — 2010

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

The properties characterizing sturmian words are considered for words on multiliteral alphabets. We summarize various generalizations of sturmian words to multiliteral alphabets and enlarge the list of known relationships among these generalizations. We provide a new equivalent definition of rich words and make use of it in the study of generalizations of sturmian words based on palindromes. We also collect many examples of infinite words to illustrate differences in the generalized definitions...

Palindromes in infinite ternary words

L'ubomíra BalkováEdita PelantováŠtěpán Starosta — 2009

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We study infinite words over an alphabet 𝒜 satisfying the property 𝒫 : 𝒫 ( n ) + 𝒫 ( n + 1 ) = 1 + # 𝒜 for any n , where 𝒫 ( n ) denotes the number of palindromic factors of length occurring in the language of . We study also infinite words satisfying a stronger property 𝒫ℰ : every palindrome of has exactly one palindromic extension in . For binary words, the properties 𝒫 and 𝒫ℰ coincide and these properties characterize Sturmian words, i.e., words with the complexity + 1 for any n . In this paper, we focus on ternary infinite words with...

Sturmian jungle (or garden?) on multiliteral alphabets

L'ubomíra BalkováEdita PelantováŠtěpán Starosta — 2011

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The properties characterizing Sturmian words are considered for words on multiliteral alphabets. We summarize various generalizations of Sturmian words to multiliteral alphabets and enlarge the list of known relationships among these generalizations. We provide a new equivalent definition of rich words and make use of it in the study of generalizations of Sturmian words based on palindromes. We also collect many examples of infinite words to illustrate differences in the generalized definitions...

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