Solitonová řešení a metoda obráceného rozptylu
Poisson sigma models represent an interesting use of Poisson manifolds for the construction of a classical field theory. Their definition in the language of fibre bundles is shown and the corresponding field equations are derived using a coordinate independent variational principle. The elegant form of equations of motion for so called Poisson-Lie groups is derived. Construction of the Poisson-Lie group corresponding to a given Lie bialgebra is widely known only for coboundary Lie bialgebras. Using...
Summary: The author gives the defining relations of a new type of bialgebras that generalize both the quantum groups and braided groups as well as the quantum supergroups. The relations of the algebras are determined by a pair of matrices that solve a system of Yang-Baxter-type equations. The matrix coproduct and counit are of standard matrix form, however, the multiplication in the tensor product of the algebra is defined by virtue of the braiding map given by the matrix . Besides simple solutions...
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