Some estimates of Schrödinger-type operators with certain nonnegative potentials.
Let be a triangulated category and be a cluster tilting subcategory of . Koenig and Zhu showed that the quotient category is Gorenstein of Gorenstein dimension at most one. But this is not always true when becomes an exact category. The notion of an extriangulated category was introduced by Nakaoka and Palu as a simultaneous generalization of exact categories and triangulated categories. Now let be an extriangulated category with enough projectives and enough injectives, and a cluster...
Let be the polynomial ring over the finite field , and let be the subset of containing all polynomials of degree strictly less than N. Define D(N) to be the maximal cardinality of a set for which A-A contains no squares of polynomials. By combining the polynomial Hardy-Littlewood circle method with the density increment technology developed by Pintz, Steiger and Szemerédi, we prove that .
Let L = -Δ + V be a Schrödinger operator in and be the Hardy type space associated to L. We investigate the bilinear operators T⁺ and T¯ defined by , where T₁ and T₂ are Calderón-Zygmund operators related to L. Under some general conditions, we prove that either T⁺ or T¯ is bounded from to for 1 < p,q < ∞ with 1/p + 1/q = 1. Several examples satisfying these conditions are given. We also give a counterexample for which the classical Hardy space estimate fails.
Let be a Schrödinger operator and let be a Schrödinger type operator on , where is a nonnegative potential belonging to certain reverse Hölder class for . The Hardy type space is defined in terms of the maximal function with respect to the semigroup and it is identical to the Hardy space established by Dziubański and Zienkiewicz. In this article, we prove the -boundedness of the commutator generated by the Riesz transform , where , which is larger than the...
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