Two-scale convergence is a special weak convergence used in homogenization theory. Besides the original definition by Nguetseng and Allaire two alternative definitions are introduced and compared. They enable us to weaken requirements on the admissibility of test functions . Properties and examples are added.
The paper deals with homogenization of a linear elliptic boundary problem with a specific class of uncertain coefficients describing composite materials with periodic structure. Instead of stochastic approach to the problem, we use the worst scenario method due to Hlaváček (method of reliable solution). A few criterion functionals are introduced. We focus on the range of the homogenized coefficients from knowledge of the ranges of individual components in the composite, on the values of generalized...
The (modified) two-parametric Mittag-Leffler function plays an essential role in solving the so-called fractional differential equations. Its asymptotics is known (at least for a subset of its domain and special choices of the parameters). The aim of the paper is to introduce a discrete analogue of this function as a solution of a certain two-term linear fractional difference equation (involving both the Riemann-Liouville as well as the Caputo fractional -difference operators) and describe its...
We homogenize a class of nonlinear differential equations set in highly heterogeneous media. Contrary to the usual approach, the coefficients in the equation characterizing the material properties are supposed to be uncertain functions from a given set of admissible data. The problem with uncertainties is treated by means of the worst scenario method, when we look for a solution which is critical in some sense.
Článek přináší základní pohled na oblast tzv. zlomkového kalkulu, tedy partii matematické analýzy, která je věnována derivacím neceločíselných řádů a souvisejícím otázkám. Je zde popsán historický vývoj tohoto pojmu, včetně motivací a aplikací. Speciálně se pak text zaměřuje na oblast diferenciálních rovnic s neceločíselnými derivacemi, na základní otázky spojené s jejich vyšetřováním a také na některé nové výzvy, které tato disciplína přináší.
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