Poincaré type inequalities for variable exponents.
We discuss the convergence of approximate identities in Musielak-Orlicz spaces extending the results given by Cruz-Uribe and Fiorenza (2007) and the authors F.-Y. Maeda, Y. Mizuta and T. Ohno (2010). As in these papers, we treat the case where the approximate identity is of potential type and the case where the approximate identity is defined by a function of compact support. We also give a Young type inequality for convolution with respect to the norm in Musielak-Orlicz spaces.
Our aim in this paper is to establish Trudinger’s inequality on Musielak-Orlicz-Morrey spaces under conditions on which are essentially weaker than those considered in a former paper. As an application and example, we show Trudinger’s inequality for double phase functionals , where and satisfy log-Hölder conditions and is nonnegative, bounded and Hölder continuous.
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