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Essential normality for certain finite linear combinations of linear-fractional composition operators on the Hardy space H 2

Mahsa FatehiBahram Khani Robati — 2012

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In 1999 Nina Zorboska and in 2003 P. S. Bourdon, D. Levi, S. K. Narayan and J. H. Shapiro investigated the essentially normal composition operator C ϕ , when ϕ is a linear-fractional self-map of 𝔻 . In this paper first, we investigate the essential normality problem for the operator T w C ϕ on the Hardy space H 2 , where w is a bounded measurable function on 𝔻 which is continuous at each point of F ( ϕ ) , ϕ 𝒮 ( 2 ) , and T w is the Toeplitz operator with symbol w . Then we use these results and characterize the essentially normal...

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