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On some Optimal (n,t,1,2) and (n,t,1,3) Super Imposed Codes

Manev, Mladen — 2009

Serdica Journal of Computing

Partially supported by the Technical University of Gabrovo under Grant C-801/2008 One of the main problems in the theory of superimposed codes is to find the minimum length N for which an (N, T,w, r) superimposed code exists for given values of T , w and r. Let N(T,w, r) be the minimum length N for which an (N, T,w, r) superimposed code exists. The (N, T,w, r) superimposed code is called optimal when N = N(T,w, r). The values of N(T, 1, 2) are known for T ≤ 12 and the values of N(T,...

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