In this article we study the comaximal graph of the ring . We have tried to associate the graph properties of , the ring properties of and the topological properties of . Radius, girth, dominating number and clique number of the are investigated. We have shown that and if then . We give some topological properties of equivalent to graph properties of . Finally we have proved that is an almost -space which does not have isolated points if and only if is an almost regular ring...
Let be a semi-prime ideal. Then is called irredundant with respect to if . If is the intersection of all irredundant ideals with respect to , it is called a fixed-place ideal. If there are no irredundant ideals with respect to , it is called an anti fixed-place ideal. We show that each semi-prime ideal has a unique representation as an intersection of a fixed-place ideal and an anti fixed-place ideal. We say the point is a fixed-place point if is a fixed-place ideal. In this situation...
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