On two theorems of V. V. Filippov
L'autore illustra brevemente i risultati di una ricognizione geologica effettuata nelle valli Hushe, Kondus e Saltoro. Egli distingue nell'area esaminata 3 principali unità tettoniche: a) Batolite Ladak-Deosai, b) zona di sutura (melange) dello Shyok, c) Batolite assiale del Karakorum. Il primo consiste di una grande intrusione granodioritica che verso sud attraversa un complesso gneissico a sua volta attraversato da dicchi di microdiorite. Il passaggio verso la zona di melange dello Shyok è graduale....
In this paper we consider nonlinear periodic systems driven by the one-dimensional -Laplacian and having a nonsmooth locally Lipschitz potential. Using a variational approach based on the nonsmooth Critical Point Theory, we establish the existence of a solution. We also prove a multiplicity result based on a nonsmooth extension of the result of Brezis-Nirenberg (Brezis, H., Nirenberg, L., Remarks on finding critical points, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 44 (1991), 939–963.) due to Kandilakis-Kourogenis-Papageorgiou...
In this paper we introduce multiplicative lattices in and determine finite unions of suitable simplices as fundamental domains for sublattices of finite index. For this we define cyclic non-negative bases in arbitrary lattices. These bases are then used to calculate Shintani cones in totally real algebraic number fields. We mainly concentrate our considerations to lattices in two and three dimensions corresponding to cubic and quartic fields.
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