We prove a uniform version of the converse Taylor theorem in infinite-dimensional spaces with an explicit relation between the moduli of continuity for mappings on a general open domain. We show that if the domain is convex and bounded, then we can extend the estimate up to the boundary.
The notion of functions dependent locally on finitely many coordinates plays an important role in the theory of smoothness and renormings on Banach spaces, especially when higher order smoothness is involved. In this note we investigate the structural properties of Banach spaces admitting (arbitrary) bump functions depending locally on finitely many coordinates.
We show that a -smooth mapping on an open subset of , , can be approximated in a fine topology and together with its derivatives by a restriction of a holomorphic mapping with explicitly described domain. As a corollary we obtain a generalisation of the Carleman-Scheinberg theorem on approximation by entire functions.
In any separable Banach space containing c 0 which admits a C k-smooth bump, every continuous function can be approximated by a C k-smooth function whose range of derivative is of the first category. Moreover, the approximation can be constructed in such a way that its derivative avoids a prescribed countable set (in particular the approximation can have no critical points). On the other hand, in a Banach space with the RNP, the range of the derivative of every smooth bounded bump contains a set...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03
We prove that any Lipschitz mapping from a separable Banach space into any Banach space can be approximated by uniformly Gâteaux
differentiable Lipschitz mapping.
Supported by grants GAUK 277/2001, GA CR 201-01-1198, AV 101-90-03. This paper is
a part of PhD thesis prepared under the supervision of Professor Petr Hájek.
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