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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

p -symmetric bi-capacities

Pedro MirandaMichel Grabisch — 2004


Bi-capacities have been recently introduced as a natural generalization of capacities (or fuzzy measures) when the underlying scale is bipolar. They allow to build more flexible models in decision making, although their complexity is of order 3 n , instead of 2 n for fuzzy measures. In order to reduce the complexity, the paper proposes the notion of p -symmetric bi- capacities, in the same spirit as for p -symmetric fuzzy measures. The main idea is to partition the set of criteria (or states of nature,...

A study of the dynamic of influence through differential equations

Emmanuel MaruaniMichel GrabischAgnieszka Rusinowska — 2012

RAIRO - Operations Research

The paper concerns a model of influence in which agents make their decisions on a certain issue. We assume that each agent is inclined to make a particular decision, but due to a possible influence of the others, his final decision may be different from his initial inclination. Since in reality the influence does not necessarily stop after one step, but may iterate, we present a model which allows us to study the dynamic of influence. An innovative...

A study of the dynamic of influence through differential equations

Emmanuel MaruaniMichel GrabischAgnieszka Rusinowska — 2012

RAIRO - Operations Research

The paper concerns a model of influence in which agents make their decisions on a certain issue. We assume that each agent is inclined to make a particular decision, but due to a possible influence of the others, his final decision may be different from his initial inclination. Since in reality the influence does not necessarily stop after one step, but may iterate, we present a model which allows us to study the dynamic of influence. An innovative...

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