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On lattice-ordered monoids

Milan Jasem — 2003

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

In the paper lattice-ordered monoids and specially normal lattice-ordered monoids which are a generalization of dually residuated lattice-ordered semigroups are investigated. Normal lattice-ordered monoids are metricless normal lattice-ordered autometrized algebras. It is proved that in any lattice-ordered monoid A, a ∈ A and na ≥ 0 for some positive integer n imply a ≥ 0. A necessary and sufficient condition is found for a lattice-ordered monoid A, such that the set I of all invertible elements...

On ideals of lattice ordered monoids

Milan Jasem — 2007

Mathematica Bohemica

In the paper the notion of an ideal of a lattice ordered monoid A is introduced and relations between ideals of A and congruence relations on A are investigated. Further, it is shown that the set of all ideals of a soft lattice ordered monoid or a negatively ordered monoid partially ordered by inclusion is an algebraic Brouwerian lattice.

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