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Two approaches to fuzzification of payments in NTU coalitional game.

Milan Mares — 2002

Mathware and Soft Computing

There exist several possibilities of fuzzification of a coalitional game. It is quite usual to fuzzify, e. g., the concept of coalition, as it was done in [1]. Another possibility is to fuzzify the expected pay-offs, see [3, 4]. The latter possibility is dealt even here. We suppose that the coalitional and individual pay-offs are expected only vaguely and this uncertainty on the input'' of the game rules is reflected also by an uncertainty of the derived output'' concept like superadditivity, core,...

Open topics in fuzzy coalitional games with transferable utility

Milan Mareš — 2006

Banach Center Publications

Vagueness is one of the phenomena which cannot be separated from the real bargaining and cooperative situations. The aim of this paper is to offer a brief survey of the recent state-of-art of the modelling of vagueness in coalitional games with transferable utility. It may be recognized in two components of these games, namely, in vague structure of coalitions where each player may simultaneously participate in several of them, and in vague expectations of coalitional pay-offs. Both these cases...

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