Trace decomposition and recurrency
First, by using the formulae of Krupka, the trace decomposition for some particular classes of tensors of types (1, 2) and (1, 3) is obtained. Second, it is proved that the traceless part of a tensor is an almost projective invariant of weight 1. We apply this result to Weyl curvature tensors.
We study Legendre and slant curves for Bianchi-Cartan-Vranceanu metrics. These curves are characterized through the scalar product between the normal at the curve and the vertical vector field and in the helix case they have a proper (non-harmonic) mean curvature vector field. The general expression of the curvature and torsion of these curves and the associated Lancret invariant (for the slant case) are computed as well as the corresponding variant for some particular cases. The slant (particularly...
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