On oscillatory solutions of the system of differential equations with deviating arguments Miroslav Bartušek — 1985 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
On the distribution of zeros of solutions of some types of differential equation y ' ' = q ( t ) y Miroslav Bartušek — 1975 Archivum Mathematicum
Note on the theory of dispersions of the differential equation y ' ' = q ( t ) y Miroslav Bartušek — 1973 Archivum Mathematicum
Connection between asymptotic properties and zeros of solutions of y ' ' = q ( t ) y Miroslav Bartušek — 1972 Archivum Mathematicum
On zeros of solutions of the differential equation ( p ( t ) y ' ) ' + f ( t , y , y ' ) = 0 Miroslav Bartušek — 1975 Archivum Mathematicum
On asymptotic properties and distribution of zeros of solutions of y ' ' + f ( t , y , y ' ) = 0 Miroslav Bartušek — 1978 Archivum Mathematicum
The asymptotic behaviour of oscillatory solutions of the equation of the fourth order Miroslav Bartušek — 1985 Archivum Mathematicum
On zeros of solutions of the differential equation y ' ' + f ( t , y ) g ( y ' ) = 0 Miroslav Bartušek — 1979 Archivum Mathematicum
On existence of oscillatory solution of the system of differential equations Miroslav Bartušek — 1981 Archivum Mathematicum
On proper oscillatory solutions of the nonlinear differential equations of the n -th order Miroslav Bartušek — 1988 Archivum Mathematicum
Monotonicity theorems for second order non-linear differential equations Miroslav Bartušek — 1980 Archivum Mathematicum
On asymptotic properties of oscillatory solutions of the system of differential equations of fourth order Miroslav Bartušek — 1981 Archivum Mathematicum
Monotonicity theorems concerning differential equations y ' ' + f ( t , y , y ' ) = 0 Miroslav Bartušek — 1976 Archivum Mathematicum
On oscillatory solutions of nonlinear differential equations of the n -th order vanishing at infinity Miroslav Bartušek — 1990 Archivum Mathematicum
On oscillatory solution of the differential equations of the n -th order Miroslav Bartušek — 1986 Archivum Mathematicum
On distribution of zeros of solutions of the differential equation ( p ( t ) y ' ) ' + f ( t , y , y ' ) = 0 Miroslav Bartušek — 1977 Archivum Mathematicum
The asymptotic behaviour of solutions of the differential equation of the third order Miroslav Bartušek — 1984 Archivum Mathematicum
On L p -solutions of the differential equation y " = q ( t ) y Miroslav Bartušek — 1975 Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
On asymptotic behaviour of central dispersions of linear differential equations of the second order Miroslav Bartušek — 1975 Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
On relations among dispersions of an oscillatory differential equation y ' ' = q ( t ) y Miroslav Bartušek — 1973 Sborník prací Přírodovědecké fakulty University Palackého v Olomouci. Matematika