On quantum vector fields in general relativistic quantum mechanics.
Summary: [For the entire collection see Zbl 0742.00067.]A general theory of fibre bundles structured by an arbitrary differential-geometric category is presented. It is proved that the structured bundles of finite type coincide with the classical associated bundles.
All natural operations transforming linear connections on the tangent bundle of a fibred manifold to connections on the 1-jet bundle are classified. It is proved that such operators form a 2-parameter family (with real coefficients).
We start by formulating geometrically the Newton’s law for a classical free particle in terms of Riemannian geometry, as pattern for subsequent developments. For constrained systems we have intrinsic and extrinsic viewpoints, with respect to the environmental space. Multi–particle systems are modelled on -th products of the pattern model. We apply the above scheme to discrete rigid systems. We study the splitting of the tangent and cotangent environmental space into the three components of center...
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