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Lower bound for class numbers of certain real quadratic fields

Mohit Mishra — 2023

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let d be a square-free positive integer and h ( d ) be the class number of the real quadratic field ( d ) . We give an explicit lower bound for h ( n 2 + r ) , where r = 1 , 4 . Ankeny and Chowla proved that if g > 1 is a natural number and d = n 2 g + 1 is a square-free integer, then g h ( d ) whenever n > 4 . Applying our lower bounds, we show that there does not exist any natural number n > 1 such that h ( n 2 g + 1 ) = g . We also obtain a similar result for the family ( n 2 g + 4 ) . As another application, we deduce some criteria for a class group of prime power order to be cyclic.

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