In some preceding works we consider a class of Boltz optimization problems for Lagrangian mechanical systems, where it is relevant a line , regarded as determined by its (variable) curvature function of domain . Assume that the problem is regular but has an impulsive monotone character in the sense that near each of some points to is monotone and is very large. In [10] we propose a procedure belonging to the theory of impulsive controls, in order to simplify into a structurally...
One establishes some convexity criteria for sets in . They will be applied in a further Note to treat the existence of solutions to minimum time problems for certain Lagrangian systems referred to two coordinates, one of which is used as a control. These problems regard the swing or the ski.
This Note is the Part II of a previous Note with the same title. One refers to holonomic systems with two degrees of freedom, where the part can schemetize a swing or a pair of skis and schemetizes whom uses . The behaviour of is characterized by a coordinate used as a control. Frictions and air resistance are neglected. One considers on minimum time problems and one is interested in the existence of solutions. To this aim one determines a certain structural condition which implies...
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