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Oscillations of higher order differential equations of neutral type

N. Parhi — 2000

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, sufficient conditions have been obtained for oscillation of solutions of a class of n th order linear neutral delay-differential equations. Some of these results have been used to study oscillatory behaviour of solutions of a class of boundary value problems for neutral hyperbolic partial differential equations.

Non-oscillation of second order linear self-adjoint nonhomogeneous difference equations

N. Parhi — 2011

Mathematica Bohemica

In the paper, conditions are obtained, in terms of coefficient functions, which are necessary as well as sufficient for non-oscillation/oscillation of all solutions of self-adjoint linear homogeneous equations of the form Δ ( p n - 1 Δ y n - 1 ) + q y n = 0 , n 1 , where q is a constant. Sufficient conditions, in terms of coefficient functions, are obtained for non-oscillation of all solutions of nonlinear non-homogeneous equations of the type Δ ( p n - 1 Δ y n - 1 ) + q n g ( y n ) = f n - 1 , n 1 , where, unlike earlier works, f n 0 or 0 (but ¬ 0 ) for large n . Further, these results are used to obtain...

Oscillation criteria for a class of nonlinear differential equations of third order

N. ParhiP. Das — 1992

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Oscillation criteria are obtained for nonlinear homogeneous third order differential equations of the form y ' ' ' + q ( t ) y ' + p ( t ) y α = 0 and y”’ + q(t)y’ + p(t)f(y) = 0, where p and q are real-valued continuous functions on [a,∞), f is a real-valued continuous function on (-∞, ∞) and α > 0 is a quotient of odd integers. Sign restrictions are imposed on p(t) and q(t). These results generalize some of the results obtained earlier in this direction.

On distance between zeros of solutions of third order differential equations

N. ParhiS. Panigrahi — 2001

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The lower bounds of the spacings b-a or a’-a of two consecutive zeros or three consecutive zeros of solutions of third order differential equations of the form y”’ + q(t)y’ + p(t)y = 0 (*) are derived under very general assumptions on p and q. These results are then used to show that t n + 1 - t or t n + 2 - t as n → ∞ under suitable assumptions on p and q, where ⟨tₙ⟩ is a sequence of zeros of an oscillatory solution of (*). The Opial-type inequalities are used to derive lower bounds of the spacings d-a or b-d for...

Oscillatory and nonoscillatory behaviour of solutions of difference equations of the third order

N. ParhiAnita Panda — 2008

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper, sufficient conditions are obtained for oscillation of all solutions of third order difference equations of the form y n + 3 + r n y n + 2 + q n y n + 1 + p n y n = 0 , n 0 . These results are generalization of the results concerning difference equations with constant coefficients y n + 3 + r y n + 2 + q y n + 1 + p y n = 0 , n 0 . Oscillation, nonoscillation and disconjugacy of a certain class of linear third order difference equations are discussed with help of a class of linear second order difference equations.

On the oscillation of a class of linear homogeneous third order differential equations

N. ParhiP. Das — 1998

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we have considered completely the equation y ' ' ' + a ( t ) y ' ' + b ( t ) y ' + c ( t ) y = 0 , ( * ) where a C 2 ( [ σ , ) , R ) , b C 1 ( [ σ , ) , R ) , c C ( [ σ , ) , R ) and σ R such that a ( t ) 0 , b ( t ) 0 and c ( t ) 0 . It has been shown that the set of all oscillatory solutions of (*) forms a two-dimensional subspace of the solution space of (*) provided that (*) has an oscillatory solution. This answers a question raised by S. Ahmad and A.  C. Lazer earlier.

On oscillation of solutions of forced nonlinear neutral differential equations of higher order II

N. ParhiR. N. Rath — 2003

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Sufficient conditions are obtained so that every solution of [ y ( t ) - p ( t ) y ( t - τ ) ] ( n ) + Q ( t ) G ( y ( t - σ ) ) = f ( t ) where n ≥ 2, p,f ∈ C([0,∞),ℝ), Q ∈ C([0,∞),[0,∞)), G ∈ C(ℝ,ℝ), τ > 0 and σ ≥ 0, oscillates or tends to zero as t . Various ranges of p(t) are considered. In order to accommodate sublinear cases, it is assumed that 0 Q ( t ) d t = . Through examples it is shown that if the condition on Q is weakened, then there are sublinear equations whose solutions tend to ±∞ as t → ∞.

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