The main contribution of this work is to provide two algorithms for the computation of the minimal polynomial of univariate polynomial matrices. The first algorithm is based on the solution of linear matrix equations while the second one employs DFT techniques. The whole theory is illustrated with examples.
The main purpose of this work is to propose new notions of equivalence between polynomial matrices that preserve both the finite and infinite elementary divisor structures. The approach we use is twofold: (a) the 'homogeneous polynomial matrix approach', where in place of the polynomial matrices we study their homogeneous polynomial matrix forms and use 2-D equivalence transformations in order to preserve their elementary divisor structure, and (b) the 'polynomial matrix approach', where some conditions...
The main contribution of this work is to provide an algorithm for the computation of the GCD of 2-D polynomials, based on DFT techniques. The whole theory is implemented via illustrative examples.
This paper studies the solution space of systems of algebraic and difference equations, given as auto-regressive (AR) representations A(σ)β(k) = 0, where σ denotes the shift forward operator and A(σ) is a regular polynomial matrix. The solution space of such systems consists of forward and backward propagating solutions, over a finite time horizon. This solution space can be constructed from knowledge of the finite and infinite elementary divisor structure of A(σ). This work deals with the inverse...
We review the realization theory of polynomial (transfer function) matrices via "pure" generalized state space system models. The concept of an irreducible-at-infinity generalized state space realization of a polynomial matrix is defined and the mechanism of the "cancellations" of "decoupling zeros at infinity" is closely examined. The difference between the concepts of irreducibility and minimality of generalized state space realizations of polynomial (transfer function) matrices is pointed out...
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