We discuss equivariance for linear liftings of measurable functions. Existence is established when a transformation group acts amenably, as e.g. the Möbius group of the projective line.
Since the general proof is very simple but not explicit, we also provide a much more explicit lifting for semisimple Lie groups acting on their Furstenberg boundary, using unrestricted Fatou convergence. This setting is relevant to -cocycles for characteristic classes.
We prove that the natural map from bounded to usual cohomology
is injective if is an irreducible cocompact lattice in a higher rank Lie group. This result holds also for nontrivial unitary coefficients, and implies finiteness results for :
the stable commutator length vanishes and any –action on the circle is almost trivial. We introduce the continuous bounded cohomology of a locally compact group and prove our statements by relating to the continuous bounded cohomology of the ambient group...
Let be any group containing an infinite elementary amenable subgroup and let . We construct an exhaustion of by closed invariant subspaces which all intersect trivially a fixed non-trivial closed invariant subspace. This is an obstacle to -dimension and gives an answer to a question of Gaboriau.
We give a complete characterization of the locally compact groups that are non elementary Gromov-hyperbolic and amenable. They coincide with the class of mapping tori of discrete or continuous one-parameter groups of compacting automorphisms. We moreover give a description of all Gromov-hyperbolic locally compact groups with a cocompact amenable subgroup: modulo a compact normal subgroup, these turn out to be either rank one simple Lie groups, or automorphism groups of semiregular trees acting doubly...
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