Hardy-type inequality with double singular kernels
A Hardy-type inequality with singular kernels at zero and on the boundary ∂Ω is proved. Sharpness of the inequality is obtained for Ω= B 1(0).
A Hardy-type inequality with singular kernels at zero and on the boundary ∂Ω is proved. Sharpness of the inequality is obtained for Ω= B 1(0).
Николай Кутев, Величка Милушева - Намираме експлицитно всичките би-омбилични фолирани полусиметрични повърхнини в четиримерното евклидово пространство R^4 We find explicitly all bi-umbilical foliated semi-symmetric hypersurfaces in the four- dimensional Euclidean space. *2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35A07, 35J60, 53A07, 53A10. The second author is partially supported by “L. Karavelov” Civil Engineering Higher School, Sofia, Bulgaria under Contract No 10/2009.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J70, 35P15. The asymptotic of the first eigenvalue for linear second order elliptic equations in divergence form with large drift is studied. A necessary and a sufficient condition for the maximum possible rate of the first eigenvalue is proved.
[Fabricant Alexander; Фабрикант Александър]; [Kutev Nikolai; Кутев Николай]; [Rangelov Tsviatko; Рангелов Цвятко] Hardy-type inequality with weights is derived in abstract form. Particular cases are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the method and to show generalizations of existing results. Sharpness of inequalities is proved and the results are illustrated with several examples. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26D10.
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