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A note on functional tightness and minitightness of space of the G -permutation degree

Dimitrios N. GeorgiouNodirbek K. MamadalievRustam M. Zhuraev — 2023

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study the behavior of the minimal tightness and functional tightness of topological spaces under the influence of the functor of the permutation degree. Analytically: a) We introduce the notion of τ -open sets and investigate some basic properties of them. b) We prove that if the map f : X Y is τ -continuous, then the map S P n f : S P n X S P n Y is also τ -continuous. c) We show that the functor S P n preserves the functional tightness and the minimal tightness of compacts. d) Finally, we give some facts and properties on τ -bounded...

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