Structure of one-dimensional chain-recurrent sets of flows on the 2-sphere and on the plane.
In this paper we investigate numerous constructions of minimal systems from the point of view of -chaos (but most of our results concern the particular cases of distributional chaos of type and ). We consider standard classes of systems, such as Toeplitz flows, Grillenberger -systems or Blanchard-Kwiatkowski extensions of the Chacón flow, proving that all of them are DC2. An example of DC1 minimal system with positive topological entropy is also introduced. The above mentioned results answer...
We show that the class of expansive actions with P.O.T.P. is wider than the class of actions topologically hyperbolic in some direction . Our main tool is an extension of a result by Walters to the multi-dimensional symbolic dynamics case.
In this article we study the structure of the set of weakly product recurrent points. Among others, we provide necessary conditions (related to topological weak mixing) which imply that the set of weakly product recurrent points is residual. Additionally, some new results about the class of systems disjoint from every minimal system are obtained.
We introduce the concept of weakly mixing sets of order n and show that, in contrast to weak mixing of maps, a weakly mixing set of order n does not have to be weakly mixing of order n + 1. Strictly speaking, we construct a minimal invertible dynamical system which contains a non-trivial weakly mixing set of order 2, whereas it does not contain any non-trivial weakly mixing set of order 3. In dimension one this difference is not that much visible, since we prove that every continuous...
This article investigates under what conditions nontransitivity can coexist with the asymptotic average shadowing property. We show that there is a large class of maps satisfying both conditions simultaneously and that it is possible to find such examples even among maps on a compact interval. We also study the limit shadowing property and its relation to the asymptotic average shadowing property.
This work is intended as an attempt to survey existingde finitions of chaos for discrete dynamical systems. Discussion is restricted to the settingof topological dynamics, while the measure-theoretic (ergodic theory) and smooth (differentiable dynamical systems) aspects are omitted as exceedingt he scope of this paper. Chaos theory is understood here as a part of topological dynamics, so aforementioned definitions of chaos are just examples of particular dynamical system properties, and are considered...
We study relations between the almost specification property, the asymptotic average shadowing property and the average shadowing property for dynamical systems on compact metric spaces. We show implications between these properties and relate them to other important notions such as shadowing, transitivity, invariant measures, etc. We provide examples showing that compactness is a necessary condition for these implications to hold. As a consequence, we also obtain a proof that limit shadowing in...
We address various notions of shadowing and expansivity for continuous maps restricted to a proper subset of their domain. We prove new equivalences of shadowing and expansive properties, we demonstrate under what conditions certain expanding maps have shadowing, and generalize some known results in this area. We also investigate the impact of our theory on maps of the interval.
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