Propagation of moments and regularity for the 3-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson system. P.L. Lions; B. Perthame — 1991 Inventiones mathematicae
Ordinary differential equations, transport theory and Sobolev spaces. R.J. DiPerna; P.L. Lions — 1989 Inventiones mathematicae
Shape-from-Shading, viscosity solutions and edges. P.L. Lions; E. Rouy; A. Tourin — 1993 Numerische Mathematik
Nonlinear Elliptic Equations with Singular Boundary Conditions and Stochastic Control with State Constraints. I. The Model Problem. J.M. Lasry; Lions P.L. — 1989 Mathematische Annalen
Existence results for boundary problems for uniformly elliptic and parabolic fully nonlinear equations. Crandall, M.G.; Kocan, M.; Lions, P.L.; Świȩch, A. — 1999 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) [electronic only]