On free inverse monoid languages
The fixed point submonoid of an endomorphism of a free product of a free monoid and cyclic groups is proved to be rational using automata-theoretic techniques. Maslakova’s result on the computability of the fixed point subgroup of a free group automorphism is generalized to endomorphisms of free products of a free monoid and a free group which are automorphisms of the maximal subgroup.
We provide alternative proofs and algorithms for results proved by Sénizergues on rational and recognizable free group languages. We consider two different approaches to the basic problem of deciding recognizability for rational free group languages following two fully independent paths: the symmetrification method (using techniques inspired by the study of inverse automata and inverse monoids) and the right stabilizer method (a general approach generalizable to other classes of groups). Several...
The class of unique factorization semilattices (UFSs) contains important examples of semilattices such as free semilattices and the semilattices of idempotents of free inverse monoids. Their structural properties allow an efficient study, among other things, of their principal ideals. A general construction of UFSs from arbitrary posets is presented and some categorical properties are derived. The problem of embedding arbitrary semilattices into UFSs is considered and complete characterizations...
We provide alternative proofs and algorithms for results proved by Sénizergues on rational and recognizable free group languages. We consider two different approaches to the basic problem of deciding recognizability for rational free group languages following two fully independent paths: the symmetrification method (using techniques inspired by the study of inverse automata and inverse monoids) and the right stabilizer method (a general approach generalizable to other classes of groups). Several...
The fixed point submonoid of an endomorphism of a free product of a free monoid and cyclic groups is proved to be rational using automata-theoretic techniques. Maslakova’s result on the computability of the fixed point subgroup of a free group automorphism is generalized to endomorphisms of free products of a free monoid and a free group which are automorphisms of the maximal subgroup.
We revisit the problem of deciding whether a finitely generated subgroup is a free factor of a given free group . Known algorithms solve this problem in time polynomial in the sum of the lengths of the generators of and exponential in the rank of . We show that the latter dependency can be made exponential in the rank difference rank - rank, which often makes a significant change.
Sia l'insieme degli interi non negativi e l'anello degli interi. Sia l'anello delle matrici su che hanno solo un numero finito di cifre non nulle in ogni linea ed in ogni colonna. Sia il sottoanello generato da e , dove (rispettivamente ) è ottenuto dalla matrice identità muovendo gli 1 una posizione a destra (rispettivamente in giù). Sia pure il sottoanello di generato da e . Infine sia il sottoanello delle matrici di che hanno solo un numero finito di cifre non nulle....
Siano un ideale di un anello e una congruenza su un semigruppo . Consideriamo l'anello semigruppo come un'immagine omomorfa dell'anello semigruppo . Questo è fatto in tre passi: prima studiando l'anello semigruppo , poi e infine combinando i due casi speciali. In ciascun caso, determiniamo l'ideale che è il nucleo dell'omomorfismo in questione. I risultati corrispondenti per le -algebre, dove è un anello commutativo, possono essere facilmente dedotti. Alcuni raffinamenti, casi speciali...
We consider endomorphisms of a monoid defined by a special confluent rewriting system that admit a continuous extension to the completion given by reduced infinite words, and study from a dynamical viewpoint the nature of their infinite periodic points. For prefix-convergent endomorphisms and expanding endomorphisms, we determine the structure of the set of all infinite periodic points in terms of adherence values, bound the periods and show that all regular periodic points are attractors.
We revisit the problem of deciding whether a finitely generated subgroup is a free factor of a given free group . Known algorithms solve this problem in time polynomial in the sum of the lengths of the generators of and exponential in the rank of . We show that the latter dependency can be made exponential in the rank difference rank - rank, which often makes a significant change.
Let be the set of nonnegative integers and the ring of integers. Let be the ring of matrices over generated by the following two matrices: one obtained from the identity matrix by shifting the ones one position to the right and the other one position down. This ring plays an important role in the study of directly finite rings. Calculation of invertible and idempotent elements of yields that the subrings generated by them coincide. This subring is the sum of the ideal consisting of...
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