Sobre anillos de polinomios que son anillos de Bézout.
In this paper we study the following question: If R is a right self-injective ring and I is an ideal of R, when can the units of R/I be lifted to units of R?
Given a finite-volume hyperbolic 3-manifold, we compose a lift of the holonomy in with the -dimensional irreducible representation of in . In this paper we give local coordinates of the -character variety around the character of this representation. As a corollary, this representation is isolated among all representations that are unipotent at the cusps.
In this paper we prove a general result for the ring H(U) of the analytic functions on an open set U in the complex plane which implies that H(U) has not unit-1-stable rank and that has some other interesting consequences. We prove also that in H(U) there are no totally reducible elements different from the zero function.
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