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Zrcadlová sazba

Petr Březina — 2008

Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu

The article presents an efficient solution to the problem of typesetting two texts in parallel on facing pages in bilingual editions. The solution assumes that the two texts are saved separately in two files and that they are divided into small sections, just as the Bible is divided into verses. This division makes it possible to synchronize the texts automatically. Each of the two texts can have its own footnotes, illustrations and other insertions as if it were an ordinary document, but the texts...

Abecední řazení a sestavování rejstříků výhradně pomocí makrojazyka TeXu

Petr Březina — 2007

Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu

he article presents the macro package "index" for creation of indexes. An important part of this package is the TeX macro "sort" for alphabetical sorting. It uses a four-pass sorting algorithme which can be accommodated to different languages through a sorting table. Its memory requirements are independent of the length of the list of entries to be sorted. The treatment of page numbers in index entries is sophisticated. The macro package "index" is available including French documentation on author's...

Sazba trojjazyčné knihy

Petr Březina — 2008

Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu

TeX has an insertion mechanism that makes it possible to handle several texts simultaneously. It can be used in preparation of multilingual books. In this article, the author describes how he has typeset a Latin-Greek-Czech edition of The Dream of Scipio where each double page contains the text simultaneously in the three languages. The described macros are available on author's home page

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