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On the solution of one problem of the plate with ribs

Petr Procházka — 1980

Aplikace matematiky

In the present paper the convergence of the finite element method to the solution of the problem of a plate with ribs which are stiff against torsion in the sense of Vlasov is studied. According to the conclusions of a paper by the author and J. Haslinger it suffices to prove a density theorem (Theorem 2.1).

Contact problem of two elastic bodies. III

Vladimír JanovskýPetr Procházka — 1980

Aplikace matematiky

The goal of the paper is the study of the contact problem of two elastic bodies which is applicable to the solution of displacements and stresses of the earth continuum and the tunnel wall. In this first part the variational formulation of the continuous and discrete model is stated. The second part covers the proof of convergence of finite element method to the solution of continuous problem while in the third part some practical applications are illustrated.

Contact problem of two elastic bodies. I

Vladimír JanovskýPetr Procházka — 1980

Aplikace matematiky

The goal of the paper is the study of the contact problem of two elastic bodies which is applicable to the solution of displacements and stresses of the earth continuum and the tunnel wall. In this first part the variational formulation of the continuous and discrete model is stated. The second part covers the proof of convergence of finite element method to the solution of continuous problem while in the third part some practical applications are illustrated.

Contact problem of two elastic bodies. II

Vladimír JanovskýPetr Procházka — 1980

Aplikace matematiky

The goal of the paper is the study of the contact problem of two elastic bodies which is applicable to the solution of displacements and stresses of the earth continuum and the tunnel wall. In this first part the variational formulation of the continuous and discrete model is stated. The second part covers the proof of convergence of finite element method to the solution of continuous problem while in the third part some practical applications are illustrated.

Extended Hashin-Shtrikman variational principles

Petr ProcházkaJiří Šejnoha — 2004

Applications of Mathematics

Internal parameters, eigenstrains, or eigenstresses, arise in functionally graded materials, which are typically present in particulate, layered, or rock bodies. These parameters may be realized in different ways, e.g., by prestressing, temperature changes, effects of wetting, swelling, they may also represent inelastic strains, etc. In order to clarify the use of eigenparameters (eigenstrains or eigenstresses) in physical description, the classical formulation of elasticity is presented, and the...

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