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This paper deals with the issue of the didactics of the Czech lands geography process and the position of geography as a scientific branch in its system. It describes new trends and styles in teaching geography in the Czech Republic. At the same time, it mentions some current teaching difficulties at Czech primary and secondary schools. The first stage of teaching developing theory, the period from 1948 to 1965, is tagged “applied period” (Hájek, 2003). The theory of teaching geography (nowadays...
School geography is a subject which has more possibilities to modernize the teaching than other subjects. It is thanks to the interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary character of the geography science in general. Modern geography could benefit mainly from the cross-curricular links. At the same time it applies modern, but concurrently established and verified concepts as for example inquiry-based education, philosophy for children, global development education or the use of mobile applications...
This paper initially deals with the origins of the idea of global education. It points to the multitude of internationally existing concepts and business terms of global education which makes it difficult to implement the global dimension into real-life education. This “international” multitude is, as a result, obvious in the Czech terminology of global development education (GRV in the Czech text) where it originates as particular authors followed one or the other concept of global education. The...
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