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On linear functorial operators extending pseudometrics

Taras O. BanakhOleg Pikhurko — 1997

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For a functor F I d on the category of metrizable compacta, we introduce a conception of a linear functorial operator T = { T X : P c ( X ) P c ( F X ) } extending (for each X ) pseudometrics from X onto F X X (briefly LFOEP for F ). The main result states that the functor S P G n of G -symmetric power admits a LFOEP if and only if the action of G on { 1 , , n } has a one-point orbit. Since both the hyperspace functor exp and the probability measure functor P contain S P 2 as a subfunctor, this implies that both exp and P do not admit LFOEP.

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