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A counterexample to a conjecture of Bass, Connell and Wright

Piotr Ossowski — 1998

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let F=X-H: k n k n be a polynomial map with H homogeneous of degree 3 and nilpotent Jacobian matrix J(H). Let G=(G1,...,Gn) be the formal inverse of F. Bass, Connell and Wright proved in [1] that the homogeneous component of G i of degree 2d+1 can be expressed as G i ( d ) = T α ( T ) - 1 σ i ( T ) , where T varies over rooted trees with d vertices, α(T)=CardAut(T) and σ i ( T ) is a polynomial defined by (1) below. The Jacobian Conjecture states that, in our situation, F is an automorphism or, equivalently, G i ( d ) is zero for sufficiently large d....

Rings of constants of generic 4D Lotka-Volterra systems

Janusz ZielińskiPiotr Ossowski — 2013

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We show that the rings of constants of generic four-variable Lotka-Volterra derivations are finitely generated polynomial rings. We explicitly determine these rings, and we give a description of all polynomial first integrals of their corresponding systems of differential equations. Besides, we characterize cofactors of Darboux polynomials of arbitrary four-variable Lotka-Volterra systems. These cofactors are linear forms with coefficients in the set of nonnegative integers. Lotka-Volterra systems...

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