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Supervisory predictive control and on-line set-point optimization

Piotr Tatjewski — 2010

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The subject of this paper is to discuss selected effective known and novel structures for advanced process control and optimization. The role and techniques of model-based predictive control (MPC) in a supervisory (advanced) control layer are first shortly discussed. The emphasis is put on algorithm efficiency for nonlinear processes and on treating uncertainty in process models, with two solutions presented: the structure of nonlinear prediction and successive linearizations for nonlinear control,...

Soft computing in modelbased predictive control footnotemark

Piotr TatjewskiMaciej Ławrynczuk — 2006

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The application of fuzzy reasoning techniques and neural network structures to model-based predictive control (MPC) is studied. First, basic structures of MPC algorithms are reviewed. Then, applications of fuzzy systems of the Takagi-Sugeno type in explicit and numerical nonlinear MPC algorithms are presented. Next, many techniques using neural network modeling to improve structural or computational properties of MPC algorithms are presented and discussed, from a neural network model of a process...

Nonlinear predictive control based on neural multi-models

Maciej ŁawryńczukPiotr Tatjewski — 2010

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper discusses neural multi-models based on Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) networks and a computationally efficient nonlinear Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm which uses such models. Thanks to the nature of the model it calculates future predictions without using previous predictions. This means that, unlike the classical Nonlinear Auto Regressive with eXternal input (NARX) model, the multi-model is not used recurrently in MPC, and the prediction error is not propagated. In order to...

An infinite horizon predictive control algorithm based on multivariable input-output models

Maciej ŁawryńczukPiotr Tatjewski — 2004

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper an infinite horizon predictive control algorithm, for which closed loop stability is guaranteed, is developed in the framework of multivariable linear input-output models. The original infinite dimensional optimisation problem is transformed into a finite dimensional one with a penalty term. In the unconstrained case the stabilising control law, using a numerically reliable SVD decomposition, is derived as an analytical formula, calculated off-line. Considering constraints needs solving...

Analysis of an isopetype dual algorithm for optimizing control and nonlinear optimization

Wojciech TadejPiotr Tatjewski — 2001

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

First results concerning important theoretical properties of the dual ISOPE (Integrated System Optimization and Parameter Estimation) algorithm are presented. The algorithm applies to on-line set-point optimization in control structures with uncertainty in process models and disturbance estimates, as well as to difficult nonlinear constrained optimization problems. Properties of the conditioned (dualized) set of problem constraints are investigated, showing its structure and feasibility properties...

Actuator fault tolerance in control systems with predictive constrained set-point optimizers

Piotr M. MarusakPiotr Tatjewski — 2008

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Mechanisms of fault tolerance to actuator faults in a control structure with a predictive constrained set-point optimizer are proposed. The structure considered consists of a basic feedback control layer and a local supervisory set-point optimizer which executes as frequently as the feedback controllers do with the aim to recalculate the set-points both for constraint feasibility and economic performance. The main goal of the presented reconfiguration mechanisms activated in response to an actuator...

Effective dual-mode fuzzy DMC algorithms with on-line quadratic optimization and guaranteed stability

Piotr M. MarusakPiotr Tatjewski — 2009

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Dual-mode fuzzy dynamic matrix control (fuzzy DMC-FDMC) algorithms with guaranteed nominal stability for constrained nonlinear plants are presented. The algorithms join the advantages of fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno modeling and the predictive dual-mode approach in a computationally efficient version. Thus, they can bring an improvement in control quality compared with predictive controllers based on linear models and, at the same time, control performance similar to that obtained using more demanding algorithms...

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