Operator spaces and similarity problems.
We study the space of functions φ: ℕ → ℂ such that there is a Hilbert space H, a power bounded operator T in B(H) and vectors ξ, η in H such that φ(n) = ⟨Tⁿξ,η⟩. This implies that the matrix is a Schur multiplier of B(ℓ₂) or equivalently is in the space (ℓ₁ ⊗̌ ℓ₁)*. We show that the converse does not hold, which answers a question raised by Peller [Pe]. Our approach makes use of a new class of Fourier multipliers of H¹ which we call “shift-bounded”. We show that there is a φ which is a “completely...
We give an equivalent expression for the K-functional associated to the pair of operator spaces (R,C) formed by the rows and columns respectively. This yields a description of the real interpolation spaces for the pair (Mₙ(R),Mₙ(C)) (uniformly over n). More generally, the same result is valid when Mₙ (or B(ℓ₂)) is replaced by any semi-finite von Neumann algebra. We prove a version of the non-commutative Khintchine inequalities (originally due to Lust-Piquard) that is valid for the Lorentz spaces...
We continue an investigation started in a preceding paper. We discuss tha classical result of Carleson connecting Carleson measures with the ∂-equation in a slightly more abstract framework than usual. We also consider a more recent result of Peter Jones which shows the existence of a solution for the ∂-equation, which satisfies simultaneously a good L∞ estimate and a good L1 estimate. This appears as a special case of our main result which can be stated as...
Soit un espace et soit un sous-espace réflexif de dimension infinie de . Nous montrons que le quotient vérifie le théorème de Grothendieck, c’est-à-dire que tout opérateur de dans un espace de Hilbert est 1-sommant; par ailleurs, n’est pas un espace . Cela permet de répondre négativement à une question de Lindenstrauss-Pełczyński ainsi qu’à une question similaire de Grothendieck.
We show that there are well separated families of quantum expanders with asymptotically the maximal cardinality allowed by a known upper bound. This has applications to the “growth" of certain operator spaces: It implies asymptotically sharp estimates for the growth of the multiplicity of -spaces needed to represent (up to a constant ) the -version of the -dimensional operator Hilbert space as a direct sum of copies of . We show that, when is close to 1, this multiplicity grows as for...
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