Canonical conjugations at fixed points other than the Denjoy-Wolff point.
A lot is known about the forward iterates of an analytic function which is bounded by 1 in modulus on the unit disk D. The Denjoy-Wolff Theorem describes their convergence properties and several authors, from the 1880's to the 1980's, have provided conjugations which yield very precise descriptions of the dynamics. Backward-iteration sequences are of a different nature because a point could have infinitely many preimages as well as none. However, if we insist in choosing preimages that are at a...
Let be a bounded simply connected domain in the complex plane, . Let be a neighborhood of , let be fixed, and let be a positive weak solution to the Laplace equation in Assume that has zero boundary values on in the Sobolev sense and extend to by putting on Then there exists a positive finite Borel measure on with support contained in and such that whenever If and if is the Green function for with pole at then the measure coincides...
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