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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Classification systems and their lattice

Sándor Radeleczki — 2002

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

We define and study classification systems in an arbitrary CJ-generated complete lattice L. Introducing a partial order among the classification systems of L, we obtain a complete lattice denoted by Cls(L). By using the elements of the classification systems, another lattice is also constructed: the box lattice B(L) of L. We show that B(L) is an atomistic complete lattice, moreover Cls(L)=Cls(B(L)). If B(L) is a pseudocomplemented lattice, then every classification system of L is independent and...

On interval decomposition lattices

Stephan FoldesSándor Radeleczki — 2004

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Intervals in binary or n-ary relations or other discrete structures generalize the concept of interval in an ordered set. They are defined abstractly as closed sets of a closure system on a set V, satisfying certain axioms. Decompositions are partitions of V whose blocks are intervals, and they form an algebraic semimodular lattice. Lattice-theoretical properties of decompositions are explored, and connections with particular types of intervals are established.

Preserving Filtering Unification by Adding Compatible Operations to Some Heyting Algebras

Wojciech DzikSándor Radeleczki — 2016

Bulletin of the Section of Logic

We show that adding compatible operations to Heyting algebras and to commutative residuated lattices, both satisfying the Stone law ¬x ⋁ ¬¬x = 1, preserves filtering (or directed) unification, that is, the property that for every two unifiers there is a unifier more general then both of them. Contrary to that, often adding new operations to algebras results in changing the unification type. To prove the results we apply the theorems of [9] on direct products of l-algebras and filtering unification....

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