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Graphs with small additive stretch number

Dieter Rautenbach — 2004

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The additive stretch number s a d d ( G ) of a graph G is the maximum difference of the lengths of a longest induced path and a shortest induced path between two vertices of G that lie in the same component of G.We prove some properties of minimal forbidden configurations for the induced-hereditary classes of graphs G with s a d d ( G ) k for some k ∈ N₀ = 0,1,2,.... Furthermore, we derive characterizations of these classes for k = 1 and k = 2.

Remarks on Dynamic Monopolies with Given Average Thresholds

Carmen C. CentenoDieter Rautenbach — 2015

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Dynamic monopolies in graphs have been studied as a model for spreading processes within networks. Together with their dual notion, the generalized degenerate sets, they form the immediate generalization of the classical notions of vertex covers and independent sets in a graph. We present results concerning dynamic monopolies in graphs of given average threshold values extending and generalizing previous results of Khoshkhah et al. [On dynamic monopolies of graphs: The average and strict majority...

Some remarks on α-domination

Franz DahmeDieter RautenbachLutz Volkmann — 2004

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let α ∈ (0,1) and let G = ( V G , E G ) be a graph. According to Dunbar, Hoffman, Laskar and Markus [3] a set D V G is called an α-dominating set of G, if | N G ( u ) D | α d G ( u ) for all u V G D . We prove a series of upper bounds on the α-domination number of a graph G defined as the minimum cardinality of an α-dominating set of G.

Partitioning a graph into a dominating set, a total dominating set, and something else

Michael A. HenningChristian LöwensteinDieter Rautenbach — 2010

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A recent result of Henning and Southey (A note on graphs with disjoint dominating and total dominating set, Ars Comb. 89 (2008), 159-162) implies that every connected graph of minimum degree at least three has a dominating set D and a total dominating set T which are disjoint. We show that the Petersen graph is the only such graph for which D∪T necessarily contains all vertices of the graph.

Relating 2-Rainbow Domination To Roman Domination

José D. AlvaradoSimone DantasDieter Rautenbach — 2017

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For a graph G, let R(G) and yr2(G) denote the Roman domination number of G and the 2-rainbow domination number of G, respectively. It is known that yr2(G) ≤ R(G) ≤ 3/2yr2(G). Fujita and Furuya [Difference between 2-rainbow domination and Roman domination in graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 161 (2013) 806-812] present some kind of characterization of the graphs G for which R(G) − yr2(G) = k for some integer k. Unfortunately, their result does not lead to an algorithm that allows to recognize these graphs...

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