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Recollements induced by good (co)silting dg-modules

Rongmin ZhuJiaqun Wei — 2023

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let U be a dg- A -module, B the endomorphism dg-algebra of U . We know that if U is a good silting object, then there exist a dg-algebra C and a recollement among the derived categories 𝐃 ( C , d ) of C , 𝐃 ( B , d ) of B and 𝐃 ( A , d ) of A . We investigate the condition under which the induced dg-algebra C is weak nonpositive. In order to deal with both silting and cosilting dg-modules consistently, the notion of weak silting dg-modules is introduced. Thus, similar results for good cosilting dg-modules are obtained. Finally, some...

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