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The Smallest Non-Autograph

Benjamin S. BaumerYijin WeiGary S. Bloom — 2016

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Suppose that G is a simple, vertex-labeled graph and that S is a multiset. Then if there exists a one-to-one mapping between the elements of S and the vertices of G, such that edges in G exist if and only if the absolute difference of the corresponding vertex labels exist in S, then G is an autograph, and S is a signature for G. While it is known that many common families of graphs are autographs, and that infinitely many graphs are not autographs, a non-autograph has never been exhibited. In this...

"Abstract logics" and "Classical abstract logics"

CONTENTSPreface......................................................................................................................................................... 5ABSTRACT LOGICS (by D. J. Brown and E. Suszko)Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 9I. Elementary properties of closure systems and closure operations............................................. 10II. Some properties...

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