Let (G,τ) be a Hausdorff Abelian topological group. It is called an s-group (resp. a bs-group) if there is a set S of sequences in G such that τ is the finest Hausdorff (resp. precompact) group topology on G in which every sequence of S converges to zero. Characterizations of Abelian s- and bs-groups are given. If (G,τ) is a maximally almost periodic (MAP) Abelian s-group, then its Pontryagin dual group is a dense -closed subgroup of the compact group , where is the group G with the discrete...
It is well-known that every bounded Abelian group is a direct sum of finite cyclic subgroups. We characterize those non-trivial bounded subgroups of an infinite Abelian group , for which there is an infinite subgroup of containing such that has a special decomposition into a direct sum which takes into account the properties of , and which induces a natural decomposition of into a direct sum of finite subgroups.
Let be an Abelian topological group.
A subgroup of is characterized
if there is a sequence
in the dual
group of such that
We reduce the study of characterized
subgroups of to the study of
characterized subgroups of compact
metrizable Abelian groups.
Let be the group of all
-valued null sequences and
be the uniform
topology on . If is compact
we prove that is a characterized
subgroup of if and only
if , where
and is a finite Abelian
group. For every compact Abelian...
Following Banakh and Gabriyelyan (2016) we say that a Tychonoff space X is an Ascoli space if every compact subset of is evenly continuous; this notion is closely related to the classical Ascoli theorem. Every -space, hence any k-space, is Ascoli.
Let X be a metrizable space. We prove that the space is Ascoli iff is a -space iff X is locally compact. Moreover, endowed with the weak topology is Ascoli iff X is countable and discrete.
Using some basic concepts from probability theory and...
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