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Inexact Newton method under weak and center-weak Lipschitz conditions

I. K. ArgyrosS. K. Khattri — 2013

Applicationes Mathematicae

The paper develops semilocal convergence of Inexact Newton Method INM for approximating solutions of nonlinear equations in Banach space setting. We employ weak Lipschitz and center-weak Lipschitz conditions to perform the error analysis. The results obtained compare favorably with earlier ones in at least the case of Newton's Method (NM). Numerical examples, where our convergence criteria are satisfied but the earlier ones are not, are also explored.

Local convergence of a one parameter fourth-order Jarratt-type method in Banach spaces

I. K. ArgyrosD. GonzálezS. K. Khattri — 2016

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We present a local convergence analysis of a one parameter Jarratt-type method. We use this method to approximate a solution of an equation in a Banach space setting. The semilocal convergence of this method was recently carried out in earlier studies under stronger hypotheses. Numerical examples are given where earlier results such as in [Ezquerro J.A., Hernández M.A., New iterations of R -order four with reduced computational cost, BIT Numer. Math. 49 (2009), 325–342] cannot be used to solve equations...

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