Injectivity properties of liftings associated to weil representations S. Rallis — 1984 Compositio Mathematica
Periods, poles of L-functions and symplectic-orthogonal theta lifts. David Ginzburg; S. Rallis; D. Soudry — 1997 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Vanishing periods of cusp forms over modular symbols. Avner Ash; David Ginzburg; S. Rallis — 1993 Mathematische Annalen
On the degree 5 L-function for Sp (2). Stephen S. Kudla; S. Rallis; D. Soudry — 1992 Inventiones mathematicae
A new way to get Euler products. I., Rallis, S. Piatetski-Shapiro — 1988 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik