Locating cones and Hubert cubes in hyperspaces
We determine the size levels for any function on the hyperspace of an arc as follows. Assume Z is a continuum and consider the following three conditions: 1) Z is a planar AR; 2) cut points of Z have component number two; 3) any true cyclic element of Z contains at most two cut points of Z. Then any size level for an arc satisfies 1)-3) and conversely, if Z satisfies 1)-3), then Z is a diameter level for some arc.
CONTENTS1. Introduction........................................................................................................ 52. Segmentwise accessibility..................................................................................... 73. Arcwise accessibility of singletons....................................................................... 84. Compacta in X which arcwise disconnect or C(X)................................ 155. Hereditary indecomposability and arcwise accessibility.....................................
The notion of an absolute n-fold hyperspace suspension is introduced. It is proved that these hyperspaces are unicoherent Peano continua and are dimensionally homogeneous. It is shown that the 2-sphere is the only finite-dimensional absolute 1-fold hyperspace suspension. Furthermore, it is shown that there are only two possible finite-dimensional absolute n-fold hyperspace suspensions for each n ≥ 3 and none when n = 2. Finally, it is shown that infinite-dimensional absolute n-fold hyperspace suspensions...
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