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Anisotropic mesh adaption: application to computational fluid dynamics

Simona Perotto — 2005

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In this communication we focus on goal-oriented anisotropic adaption techniques. Starting point has been the derivation of suitable anisotropic interpolation error estimates for piecewise linear finite elements, on triangular grids in 2 D . Then we have merged these interpolation estimates with the dual-based a posteriori error analysis proposed by R. Rannacher and R. Becker. As examples of this general anisotropic a posteriori analysis, elliptic, advection-diffusion-reaction and the Stokes problems...

Adaptive modeling for free-surface flows

Simona Perotto — 2006

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This work represents a first step towards the simulation of the motion of water in a complex hydrodynamic configuration, such as a channel network or a river delta, by means of a suitable “combination” of different mathematical models. In this framework a wide spectrum of space and time scales is involved due to the presence of physical phenomena of different nature. Ideally, moving from a hierarchy of hydrodynamic models, one should solve throughout the whole domain the most complex model (with...

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