Generalized Flag Manifolds As Framed Boundaries. Harsh V. Pittie; Smith Larry — 1975 Mathematische Zeitschrift
On The Künneth Theorem. I. The Eilenberg-Moore Spectral Sequence. Larry Smith — 1970 Mathematische Zeitschrift
Split Extensions of Hopf Algebras and Semi-Tensor Products. Larry Smith — 1970 Mathematica Scandinavica
On the Mod p Torus Theorem of John Hubbuck. Larry Smith; Jaume Aguadé — 1986 Mathematische Zeitschrift
Detecting Stable Homotopy Classes by Primary BP Cohomology Operations. Larry Smith; Raphael Zahler — 1972 Mathematische Zeitschrift
Cobordism of Hyperframed Manifolds and the Stable J-Homomorphism. Larry Smith; John Ewing — 1977 Manuscripta mathematica
The Real Cohomology of Differentiable Fibre Bundles. Larry Smith; Paul Baum — 1967 Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
On the complex bordism of finite complexes Pierre E. Conner; Larry Smith — 1969 Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS
Mod p Decompositions of co-H-Spaces and Applications. Larry Smith; George E. Cooke — 1977 Mathematische Zeitschrift
Realization and nonrealization of Poincaré duality quotients of 𝔽₂[x,y] as topological spaces Dagmar M. Meyer; Larry Smith — 2003 Fundamenta Mathematicae