Semi-implicit discretization of abstract evolution equations
Si discutono le possibilità come pure alcuni problemi che gli studiosi incontrano al giorno d'oggi nel campo della ricerca scientifica in relazione all'uso del Web [di Internet]. Si considerano questioni quali «cosa vorrebbe un autore», la valutazione della ricerca scientifica, la necessità di far pulizia nel Web, gli «open archives» e l'«open access», nonché le tecnologie di tipo grid usate al fine di fornire servizi.
The so-called "Kuramoto models" and similar ones represent a paradigmatic way to describe a number of synchronization phenomena. These are states into which incoherent systems may go, often as it occurs in phase transition, and concern a variety of cases, ranging form Physics to Neuroscience, from Biology to Engineering and even Social Sciences. They explain, at least qualitatively, a large variety of complex processes. In this paper, we review such models and the underlying mathematics, showing...
We propose a variant of the classical Liouville-Green approximation theorem for linear complex differential equations of the second order. We obtain rigorous error bounds for the asymptotics at infinity, in the spirit of F. W. J. Olver’s formulation, by using rather arbitrary -progressive paths. This approach can provide higher flexibility in practical applications of the method.
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