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Characterizing finite groups whose enhanced power graphs have universal vertices

David G. CostanzoMark L. LewisStefano SchmidtEyob TsegayeGabe Udell — 2024

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be a finite group and construct a graph Δ ( G ) by taking G { 1 } as the vertex set of Δ ( G ) and by drawing an edge between two vertices x and y if x , y is cyclic. Let K ( G ) be the set consisting of the universal vertices of Δ ( G ) along the identity element. For a solvable group G , we present a necessary and sufficient condition for K ( G ) to be nontrivial. We also develop a connection between Δ ( G ) and K ( G ) when | G | is divisible by two distinct primes and the diameter of Δ ( G ) is 2.

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