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A comparison of two notions of porosity

Filip Strobin — 2008

Commentationes Mathematicae

In the paper we compare two notions of porosity: the R-ball porosity defined by Preiss and Zajı́ček, and the porosity which was introduced by Olevskii (here it will be called the O-porosity). We find this comparison interesting since in the literature there are two similar results concerning these two notions. We restrict our discussion to normed linear spaces since the R-ball porosity was originally defined in such spaces.

Large free subgroups of automorphism groups of ultrahomogeneous spaces

Szymon GłąbFilip Strobin — 2015

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider the following notion of largeness for subgroups of . A group G is large if it contains a free subgroup on generators. We give a necessary condition for a countable structure A to have a large group Aut(A) of automorphisms. It turns out that any countable free subgroup of can be extended to a large free subgroup of , and, under Martin’s Axiom, any free subgroup of of cardinality less than can also be extended to a large free subgroup of . Finally, if Gₙ are countable groups, then...

Dichotomies for and spaces

Szymon GłąbFilip Strobin — 2013

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Jachymski showed that the set is either a meager subset of or is equal to . In the paper we generalize this result by considering more general spaces than , namely , the space of all continuous functions which vanish at infinity, and , the space of all continuous bounded functions. Moreover, we replace the meagerness by -porosity.

Dichotomies for Lorentz spaces

Szymon GłąbFilip StrobinChan Yang — 2013

Open Mathematics

Assume that L p,q, are Lorentz spaces. This article studies the question: what is the size of the set . We prove the following dichotomy: either or E is σ-porous in , provided 1/p ≠ 1/p 1 + … + 1/p n. In general case we obtain that either or E is meager. This is a generalization of the results for classical L p spaces.

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