Image deblurring, spectrum interpolation and application to satellite imaging
One might obtain the impression, from the wavelet literature, that the class of orthogonal wavelets is divided into subclasses, like compactly supported ones on one side, band-limited ones on the other side. The main purpose of this work is to show that, in fact, the class of low-pass filters associated with reasonable (in the localization sense, not necessarily in the smooth sense) wavelets can be considered to be an infinite dimensional manifold that is arcwise connected. In particular, we show...
This paper deals with two complementary methods in noisy image deblurring: a nonlinear shrinkage of wavelet-packets coefficients called FCNR and Rudin-Osher-Fatemi's variational method. The FCNR has for objective to obtain a restored image with a white noise. It will prove to be very efficient to restore an image after an invertible blur but limited in the opposite situation. Whereas the Total Variation based method, with its ability to reconstruct the lost frequencies by interpolation, is very...
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