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Space-time continuous solutions to SPDE's driven by a homogeneous Wiener process

Zdzisław BrzeźniakSzymon Peszat — 1999

Studia Mathematica

Stochastic partial differential equations on d are considered. The noise is supposed to be a spatially homogeneous Wiener process. Using the theory of stochastic integration in Banach spaces we show the existence of a Markovian solution in a certain weighted L q -space. Then we obtain the existence of a space continuous solution by means of the Da Prato, Kwapień and Zabczyk factorization identity for stochastic convolutions.

Research problems of Jerzy Zabczyk

Szymon PeszatŁukasz Stettner — 2015

Banach Center Publications

In the paper we present a selected variety of problems studied by Professor Jerzy Zabczyk. Important part of Prof. Zabczyk's scientific activity was devoted to his PhD students. He has promoted 9 PhD students: Tomasz Bielecki, Jarosław Sobczyk, Łukasz Stettner and Gianmario Tessitore work mostly in control and its applications to mathematical finance, whereas the research of Anna Chojnowska-Michalik, Wojciech Jachimiak, Anna Milian, Szymon Peszat and Anna Rusinek is concentrated mostly on stochastic...

Maximal inequalities and space-time regularity of stochastic convolutions

Szymon PeszatJan Seidler — 1998

Mathematica Bohemica

Space-time regularity of stochastic convolution integrals J = 0 S(-r)Z(r)W(r) driven by a cylindrical Wiener process W in an L 2 -space on a bounded domain is investigated. The semigroup S is supposed to be given by the Green function of a 2 m -th order parabolic boundary value problem, and Z is a multiplication operator. Under fairly general assumptions, J is proved to be Holder continuous in time and space. The method yields maximal inequalities for stochastic convolutions in the space of continuous...

Continuity of stochastic convolutions

Zdzisław BrzeźniakSzymon PeszatJerzy Zabczyk — 2001

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let B be a Brownian motion, and let 𝒞 p be the space of all continuous periodic functions f with period 1. It is shown that the set of all f 𝒞 p such that the stochastic convolution X f , B ( t ) = 0 t f ( t - s ) d B ( s ) , t [ 0 , 1 ] does not have a modification with bounded trajectories, and consequently does not have a continuous modification, is of the second Baire category.

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